Time-specific attributes and principles
Time Limited Resource:
You can ask for approval to increase the financial allocations for the hospital or the administration, However, you cannot ask for an increase in the time for the semester or academic year, for example.
Time is irreplaceable:
You may be able to compensate people who leave the college or department, You can also replace your old PC with a modern one, Except that it is impossible for you to make up for what you missed from the time Every minute of every hour that goes will never come back.
All people have an equal amount of time:
The time that the head of the institution has is the same time as the general manager, the head of the department, or even the ordinary employee, Everyone has only 24 hours a day, 168 hours a week and 8,760 hours a year. The only difference is how each individual uses the time available to them.
Time cannot stop:
The time that passes is difficult, even impossible to retrieve or stop. He does not wait for man to use it, So the alternatives to dealing with time are to let it pass without use, Or try to use every minute of it.
Time is neither rented nor bought :
Another fact, Reflecting the challenges of our dealings with time, which is that humans or organizations cannot buy the time of others, Who among us can extend his life at the expense of the lack of life of others?..
Time management is self-management, Whoever can control himself can control his time, Time management does not restrict man as some imagine, but releases him from the constraints of chaos and improvisation, It gives him more time to rest, recuperate and enjoy life.
There are people who say: They are always busy and you find them complaining about lack of time, too much work and stress, In fact, no matter how busy a person is, he can accomplish more and have more free time, with some organization and good management of his time and work. And to get rid of that negative feeling of accumulation of duties and continuous running to get work done on time.
Every habit needs effort and determination to establish, But usually time management needs a lot of effort and determination, Because it relates to human life and behavior around the clock.
Since time management leads to more achievement and more positive emotions resulting from this achievement, One of the characteristics of an emotionally intelligent person is that he is able to organize and control his time.